The wheel of life keeps moving on...
And every time when the wheel moves..
It gives a new challenge, a new success or a new learning..
For as a learner, stick the eyes on...
When the wheel of life keeps moving on...
There would be mountains to embrace...
There would be rivers to dive..
Cross more mountains and jump more streams..
As the wheel of life keeps moving on..
There would be smiles of friends..
There would be tears of lovers...
Lend more smiles and wipe more tears...
As the wheel of life keeps moving on....
There would be times when you feel like giving up...
There would be nights when you feel like it should never end..
Enjoy the moment for you never know..
As the wheel of life keeps moving on...
Think of all the moments when you cried up..
Think of all the days you almost died..
Cry more, dry more, but keep walking..
As the wheel of life keeps moving on..
Wonder on all the success that you achieved...
Ponder on all the times you fumbled..
Fumble more, shine brighter...
And then you are, stronger than before, with the wheel of life...
A peculiarity of this wheel is..
It never stops for the old..
It never jumps at the new...
For it maintains it speed...
Be it a rainy day or the morning dew...
It never talks about the sturdy or
never laughs on the feather..
It has its own it you, me, or someone either..
Fall down seven, rise up eight..
For this is the ride with no accelerators or brakes...
There is just a straight highway and the steering is not that you bear...
So it’s the wheel of life..enjoy till you are here.